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Our Return & Refund Policy

Refund/Exchange Policy: 

  • 100% refund (within 30 working days on receiving the product) upon request, no questions asked (except custom made items).
  • Refund will be arranged within 1 working day once we have received the goods returned in good condition.
  • Seller is responsible for the return shipping costs if the reason for return is due to defects in workmanship.
  • Buyer is responsible for the return shipping costs for other reasons.
  • Refund/Exchange for custom made items will only be accepted if it is due to defects in workmanship. Otherwise, all custom orders are final and no return/exchange is accepted. Custom orders definition: any personalization or customization, e.g. custom initial emboss, custom size, custom made stamps
  • We are not responsible for any customs inspection delays, return or confiscation. In case of package return due to customs reasons, we can resend the package at buyer's cost. If shipment is confiscated by customs, we offer remake of the product(s) at 50% of the purchasing price.